Some people say that the massage experience is the ultimate in pampering. In truth, it can be much more than that. There is a form of massage known as medical massage. With proper training, any license massage therapist can provide this therapy for any number of conditions, including seizures, fibromyalgia, migraines, nerve pain, joint pain, and many others. Medical massage is a bit different from the spa experience that you might be visualizing right now. A given patient may go to see his/her therapist weekly, for anywhere from four to sixteen visits. The number of treatments varies so widely because it is outcome based, so depending on the condition being treated and the goals of therapy. The therapist will likely follow up with clients after treatment to ensure that everything is going well and determine whether or not future sessions are necessary. Sadly, health care insurance providers do not always see the benefit of this form o...
This blog is for chronic pain sufferers and their families. My intent is to help everyone who is affected on some level by chronic pain. I research and present news and ideas to help improve quality of life and minimize suffering and downtime!