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Showing posts with the label Non Drug Pain Management Ideas

Non Drug Pain Management Ideas: The Power of Prayer

Can prayer heal people?  I suppose the answer to that depends on if you believe in the power of prayer, or not.  I tend to believe that God answers all of our prayers, but sometimes God says no.  We do not always understand because we cannot see through the eyes of God... I found an article on " Discovery Health " website that cites some interesting studies about this topic.  One study, conducted in 1988 by Randolph Byrd, a physician, looked at 393 patients who entered a cardiac care unit in a San Francisco Hospital.  Some of the patients were assigned to a group that received intercessory prayer (IP), while the other group did not receive IP.  None of the patients knew which group they were assigned to.  At the conclusion of the study, Byrd reported that 85% of the patients in the prayer group responded well to treatment, while 73% of the group that did not benefit from IP responded similarly. Many similar studies patterned after Byrd's study followed.  A study b

Living in Spite of Your Symptons

Today  I would like to share with you an article by Cynthia Perkins, M. Ed.  who is a holistic health coach/counselor that I came across recently.  The blog post she wrote entitled "Living in Spite of Your Symptoms" really reinforces the ideas that I am trying to present to you in my blog.  I addition to her education, Cynthia has battled her own share of demons: migraine, chemical injury, and atypical trigeminal neuralgia to name a few. Cynthia has also written several self help books on various subjects , including alcohol, meditation and mindfulness, and beating sugar addiction.  It is well worth your time to click the link above and explore her ideas! Sources: Wikimedia;

Non Drug Pain Management Ideas: Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Recently, I posted a piece entitled:  Is pain management possible through diet? The post features a book about  following eating foods that have natural anti-inflammatory properties.  By reducing inflammation one is able to accompanying pain that is a part of many disease states, such as rheumatoid arthritis. So today I am going to share a short list  of some of these natural pain relievers. In the coming days, I will go through the list and feature them individually.  I hope these foods are on  your  favorites list, and that by learning how to incorporate them into your diet, you, too will be able to reduce pain and suffering in your life that is due to inflammation. And so, without further ado, here is the list! Fruits and vegetables  Omega-3 foods Lean proteins Whole grains Herbs and Spices           The renowned Dr, Andrew Weil , a pioneer in the field of food and integrative medicine, has created a food pyramid based on the anti-inflammatory properties of foods. If

Non Drug Pain Management Ideas: 10 tips to help you sleep better

Natural Mama shares 10 tips to help you sleep better the natural way! At the end of the video she discusses some herbal remedies.  I don't really know too much about these products; I strongly advocate trying the 10 tips first and taking the time to research the herbals if and when you decide to give them a try. Can't see the video?  click here to watch on YouTube Source: Youtube

Non Drug Pain Management Ideas: Find the perfect sleep position!Find the Perfect Sleep Position Stomach, Back or Side? How You Slumber Can Aggravate Pain, Prevent the Body From Bouncing Back

Cervical Spondylosis: Home Remedies

Holistic treatment of cervical spondylosis is much like treatment of other chronic pain conditions. Over the counter pain medicine such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen is always an option when there is a pain flare up.  But keep in mind... all medications have side effects, and there is always a risk of drug interactions when taking multiple medications ...therefore all medication should be used prudently.This is precisely why it's a good idea to know about alternative ways to care for chronic pain conditions! So, keeping that in mind...what other strategies can be used to treat cervical spondylosis? Heat or ice can be applied, especially if the neck muscles are feeling sore. Soft neck braces can be used. But a word of caution: using neck braces for a short time is ok; with extended use the muscles of the neck can actually become weaker. In short, less is more. Regular exercise is really a terrific option.   Arthritis Today , a publication of the Arthritis Foundation, re

Optogenetics: The future of pain management?

The science of optogenetics is an exciting and new field of study. This branch of neuroscience focuses on controlling brain cells with light. At present, researchers are focused on learning exactly which cells in the brain control which functions; and finding ways to turn those specific cells on or off using light.  At this point in time, optogenetics is an evolving science--but there is tremendous potential here in the treatment of many conditions.  Perhaps in the future the treatment of conditions like schizophrenia, depression, fibromyalgia, or chronic pain may involve this technology.  No one really knows for sure, but it sure is exciting! Here is a brief video featuring Professor Ed Boyden from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology describing this very interesting new idea: Sources: YouTube; University of Oxford

Non Drug Pain Management Ideas: Arthritis of the Hands: Compression Gloves and Paraffin Dips

In addition to exercise, there are a few more non drug treatments that come to mind for those who are dealing with arthritis of the hands. These ideas are great things to try when you are having more discomfort than usual.  They are not necessarily a panacea, but they are worth a try. The first one that comes to mind is hot/cold applications , (aka contrast hydrotherapy), which I wrote about very recently.  You can go back to that blog post by clicking the link above. The second idea that comes to mind is heat application , which is another of my earlier posts.  At the time I was not writing specifically about osteoarthritis of the hands, as it is a useful tool for many pain conditions.  Related to this idea--but perhaps more appropriate for hands or feet--is the spa-like treatment of a paraffin dip .   Last but not least, compression gloves can help to reduce pain and swelling in the bony joints of the hands.  They are available from a number of internet sites

Non Drug Pain Management: Osteoarthritis of the Hands: Hand Exercises

Many of us don't really fully appreciate how much we use our hands in the regular activities of daily life.  If you have ever had an injury to the hand or wrist, you may have more appreciation for this. But for those who suffer from chronic conditions involving the hands and fingers, these activities can be a real struggle.  Rheumatoid arthritis is one such debility; this is a fairly serious medical condition; what I am about to say here may help, but non drug measures will never be enough to combat the condition. The treatment of osteoarthritis, in contrast, focuses more on non drug measures.  The occasional acetaminophen or ibuprofen will help manage short term pain.  There are no joint replacement options for the joints of the hands at this point. Since that is the reality, what is one to do? For persons with osteoarthritis in other joints, such as knees or hips, the usual recommendation for preserving joint function is two fold:  exercise and weight management. The ex

Non Drug Pain Management Ideas: Straight from the Cow!

People with arthritis definitely suffer from chronic pain....some more than others, of course. And while medications can help control pain sometimes, there are many non drug remedies for that pesky joint pain. We've discussed many of these in prior posts...exercise, weight control, and dietary modifications, including omega-3 supplements and glucosamine.  Today's post is about a newer dietary measure that I find most interesting...milk consumption! Dr. Bing Lu of Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston recently shared the results of a study on this very topic . In this study, 2,148 men and women  with osteoarthritis of the knee were followed over a period of four years with respect to their health, diet, and behaviors.  X-rays were obtained on each subject every year during the duration of the study. Using the X-rays researchers  were able to determine the speed of arthritis progression in the subjects. At the study conclusion, researchers found that people who

Some good news...and some bad news...about fibromyalgia

When preparing for this post, I found a couple of things in the news recently that I thought would be of interest to readers, especially those with fibromyalgia.  I don't know which news you'd rather have first...but I think I'm gonna tell you the bad news.... so we can end on a positive note! The bad news is that a recent study has revealed a connection between exposure to hepatitis B virus and fibromyalgia.  It appears that a a protein in some strains of the hepatitis B virus is to blame.  Maybe this is actually good news in the sense that, the more we know about fibromyalgia, the better we can understand how to prevent, diagnose, and treat it. The good news that I have for you--has nothing to do with the bad news.  A meta-analysis of various medications and other modes of treatment for fibromyalgia were studied.  Winifred Hauser, an expert in the field, made the following statement: "There is no magic drug against fibromyalgia, and

Hot & Cold Therapy

We've all heard of applying heat or an ice pack to an injury. Recently I came across a different twist on these ideas.  I kind of put it on the back burner, until a friend was telling me that she used it for a foot injury and that it worked really well.  So without, further ado I am passing the idea on to those who never heard of it before! The idea is known as "Contrast Hydrotherapy."  Basically it involves immersing an injured body part into ice water or using cold packs for five or so minutes--immediately followed by application of heat or immersion into a warm water bath. The exercise can be repeated multiple times.  The theory is that the warm application causes the blood vessels to dilate...the cold causes them to constrict.  As this occurs, the lymphatic system follows suit.  The blood vessels have a central pump (the heart!) but the lymphatic system does not.  The hot/cold treatment essentially provides the pumping action for the lymph nodes to pump stagna

Guided Meditation and Virtual Reality resources..only a mouse click away!

If you are interested in guided meditation or virtual reality for your chronic pain's post is right up your alley!  There are many resources for you on the internet, and the good news is that there is a lot of help free of charge.  Here are a few to get you started. If you take the time and do your own web search, I am certain you will find many more! Guided Imagery Resources The resources available come in two categories:  some are scripts that you can simply read and provide your own visualization; the other category is audio/visual that are meant to be listened to or viewed.   Scripted Guided Imagery Resources: InnerHealth Studio: Forest Visualization McKinley Health Center: A Trip to the Beach Mental Health Today: Magic Carpet Exercise Audio/Visual Guided Imagery Resources Dartmouth College Relaxation Series: Special Place Virtual Reality Videos for Pain Management "Dream Castle" "

Dealing with Chronic Pain in Warm Weather

The dog days of summer are upon us; and these can be difficult for all of us, especially those who have chronic health conditions.  There's an old wives tale about achy joints flaring up before a storm or during humid weather.  I don't know about you, but I can relate!  Old wives tale or not, there most likely are bodily changes going on in response to humidity, barometric pressure, and the like. Extreme changes in humidity and air pressure are especially difficult for chronic pain sufferers; ozone levels may also play a role.  Therefore, it is important to take action in response to the heat and humidity to help keep pain under control.  Here is a short list of some ideas in that regard.       Climate control.  No, I don't mean this in a global sense!  If your home has air conditioning, use it. This allows you to control both the temperature and humidity levels. . If you don't have air conditioning  in your home, it might be a good idea to spend the hottest

A bit of wisdom for the weekend...

Life is for the living.  As long as you're alive, you have purpose... So remember to live a a little...laugh a little. Have a great weekend! Image source: DeviantArt

Prayer and Spirituality

Medical literature suggests that there is a relationship between spirituality and health. The American Academy of Physicians says that "spirituality is the way we can find meaning, hope, comfort, and inner peace in our lives." Religion is one common way for people to find spirituality, while for others, it is found in art, music, a connection with nature, or values and principles. Many people practice a given religion and share it with others.  Some people do not have a specific religion, but do have spiritual beliefs.  These beliefs can bring a sense of meaning and purpose to life, help put things into perspective, and establish priorities. Sometimes it is just what is needed to motivate an individual to make difficult changes or accept a reality we don't want to face.  Having a religion that we share with a group is also a great support system, where assistance can be given or received from others. Recent studies demonstrate that people who belong to a reli

Non Drug Pain Management Ideas: Coping with Lupus at night

By now, you have probably heard the expression,"Cold hands...warm heart." And for those of you with Lupus, it might just be more than that!   Raynaud's phenomenon , a painful vascular problem, is not unusual in people with Lupus disease.  If affected, the hands and other areas of the body (earlobes, for instance) experience circulatory changes due to stress or cold exposure.  Some ideas to combat the discomforts of Raynaud's include using insulated glasses when drinking cold drinks, or wearing gloves during colder weather to protect your hands from the elements. Gloves are also useful when you need to put food into/remove food from the freezer! Diet is an important element of managing lupus, whether it is time for a snack or a meal. Eat plenty of whole grains, fruits, vegetables and nuts. Lean meats are a good choice, but make an effort to include fish in your diet.  The omega-3 oils in some fish, such as salmon, help reduce inflammation and may be cardio-pro

Non Drug Pain Management Ideas: Coping with Lupus in the daytime

When someone is diagnosed with Lupus, the problems associated with that condition can be problematic anytime-- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  In a post earlier this week, coping skills to help with Lupus problems that are common upon awakening.  Today's post will focus on the issues surrounding this chronic health condition during the waking hours. Sunlight exposure can be a real problem for those who are diagnosed with Lupus. It is important to use "all possible tools in the toolbox" if possible. Tinted windows are one example of defense. Clothing that affords some degree of sun protection can also be of help. (Hint: look for tight weaves of fabric in darker colors for best protection. Test by holding fabric up to light--if you can see through the fabric, the protection is insufficient.) Stay out of the sun when it is most intense-- usually between 10 am and 4 pm daily.  If you do plan to be out, sunscreen SPF 30 or higher during this hours affords some pr

Non Management Pain Ideas: Live with purpose!!

"One of the greatest diseases is to be nobody to anybody."                                           ~~Mother Teresa of Calcutta As a fan of Mother Teresa, I have come so see the wisdom in the things she had to say while she was on this earth.  Even though she is no longer with us, her works and words show to us the value of living with purpose.   For those with chronic pain, life is a struggle every day.  Physical activity can be cut to a halt, or limited.  The pain can sometimes overwhelm and affect not only the individual, but cause problems with friends and family as well.  Which leads to the point of today's blog post: Do you feel like you have a purpose in life?  Is your life all about your illness, your, incapacity, your moods, your pain...Do you still have the ability to share your time offering support to others who maybe just need someone to talk to? Can you still help someone who is less fortunate than you in some way? Do you still

Non Drug Pain Management Ideas: Coping with Lupus in the mornings

A few months ago, I wrote a blog post about Lupus Disease ;  it is an autoimmune disorder that is related to Rheumatoid Arthritis.  While I took the time to describe the disorder and the various problems that arise from the disease, there was not much about the pain management aspect in that post. At this point, there is more information to share --and here it is! People with lupus disease often feel stiff and exhausted in the morning.  It has been suggested that moist heat can help provide some relief.  Try a bath or a long hot shower in the mornings; if that is not possible try using a moist heating pad for about thirty minutes prior to wake up time. Another option is to purchase an electric blanket with a timer, and set it to come on one half hour before you need to wake up for the day. If you think ahead, you could set things up for mornin g in the kitchen before you go to bed.  If the table is set and the coffee pot is ready to go, life is good! It's importan