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Showing posts with the label NonDrug Pain Management Ideas

Non Drug Pain Management Ideas: The Power of Prayer

Can prayer heal people?  I suppose the answer to that depends on if you believe in the power of prayer, or not.  I tend to believe that God answers all of our prayers, but sometimes God says no.  We do not always understand because we cannot see through the eyes of God... I found an article on " Discovery Health " website that cites some interesting studies about this topic.  One study, conducted in 1988 by Randolph Byrd, a physician, looked at 393 patients who entered a cardiac care unit in a San Francisco Hospital.  Some of the patients were assigned to a group that received intercessory prayer (IP), while the other group did not receive IP.  None of the patients knew which group they were assigned to.  At the conclusion of the study, Byrd reported that 85% of the patients in the prayer group responded well to treatment, while 73% of the group that did not benefit from IP responded similarly. Many similar studies patterned after Byrd's study followed.  A study b

Living in Spite of Your Symptons

Today  I would like to share with you an article by Cynthia Perkins, M. Ed.  who is a holistic health coach/counselor that I came across recently.  The blog post she wrote entitled "Living in Spite of Your Symptoms" really reinforces the ideas that I am trying to present to you in my blog.  I addition to her education, Cynthia has battled her own share of demons: migraine, chemical injury, and atypical trigeminal neuralgia to name a few. Cynthia has also written several self help books on various subjects , including alcohol, meditation and mindfulness, and beating sugar addiction.  It is well worth your time to click the link above and explore her ideas! Sources: Wikimedia;

Non Drug Pain Management Ideas: Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Recently, I posted a piece entitled:  Is pain management possible through diet? The post features a book about  following eating foods that have natural anti-inflammatory properties.  By reducing inflammation one is able to accompanying pain that is a part of many disease states, such as rheumatoid arthritis. So today I am going to share a short list  of some of these natural pain relievers. In the coming days, I will go through the list and feature them individually.  I hope these foods are on  your  favorites list, and that by learning how to incorporate them into your diet, you, too will be able to reduce pain and suffering in your life that is due to inflammation. And so, without further ado, here is the list! Fruits and vegetables  Omega-3 foods Lean proteins Whole grains Herbs and Spices           The renowned Dr, Andrew Weil , a pioneer in the field of food and integrative medicine, has created a food pyramid based on the anti-inflammatory properties of foods. If

Non Drug Pain Management Ideas: 10 tips to help you sleep better

Natural Mama shares 10 tips to help you sleep better the natural way! At the end of the video she discusses some herbal remedies.  I don't really know too much about these products; I strongly advocate trying the 10 tips first and taking the time to research the herbals if and when you decide to give them a try. Can't see the video?  click here to watch on YouTube Source: Youtube

Non Drug Pain Management Ideas: Find the perfect sleep position!Find the Perfect Sleep Position Stomach, Back or Side? How You Slumber Can Aggravate Pain, Prevent the Body From Bouncing Back

Laughter: The best medicine!

Have a good weekend!

A medical doctor's view of chiropractic care

I found this article in a blog at the Chicago Tribune....(To read the article, click here .) Today I am sharing this interview with  Dr. Ralph Gay, who is both a chiropractor and a physician. He is on the medical staff at the prestigious Mayo Clinic!   His is a unique perspective because he is trained in both professions.  If you are considering chiropractic medicine for your chronic pain problems, I highly suggest reading this article.  It might help you to decide if chiropractic medicine might be a good choice for your situation!

The basics of chiropractic care

Chiropractic medicine is a health care profession that focuses on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems of the body, and the effect of theses systems on one's overall health.  Doctors of Chiropractic Medicine most often treat disorders involving pain of  the spine, neck, joints, and legs, and headaches. The chiropractic approach to medicine is drug free.  Typically practitioners use manual techniques to manipulate the spine of the patient in an effort to restore normalcy.  Chiropractic doctors also are good resources for therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises. They also are educated in the areas of nutrition and lifestyle change. This approach to medicine may not be suited for all medical issues, all the time.  But certainly there is much to offer to many people who suffer from many types of chronic pain!' Here is a short video about chiropractic medicine that might offer further information if you are interested. Sources:wikimedia,aca today,y

Using your mind to control your pain: Think positive!

"Optimism is the madness of insisting that all is well when we are miserable."   Voltaire A recent edition of  "The Journal of Pain" reports that  Positive activities, such as increasing supportive emotions, can reduce body discomfort in adults with mild to moderate chronic pain. A multi-center study led by the Pittsburgh VA Healthcare system randomized subjects to complete two, four, or six positive activities over the course of six weeks.  Examples of the recommended positive activities included identifying three good things that went well each day and dwelling on them, focusing intensely on positive experiences two to three times a day, and practicing how to respond positively to good news shared by others. At the end of the six week period, those who were assigned four positive activities or more reported reductions in bodily pain that lasted six months or more following program completion. There is an important lesson here for all of us, especia

Using your mind to control your pain: Ideas for Guided Imagery

If you've ever been to any of the Disney theme parks, you have experienced "imagineering": recreating the feel of being in another place or another time...without having to actually go there.  The various theme areas within the parks can make you feel like you're in the tropics, the future, Colonial America, or anything in between. Today, we are going to look at this concept in the context of pain management.  Some of us might be familiar with this technique, while for others it might be something new to try.  You might have heard the words "guided imagery"to describe this pain management tool.  It's interesting to think that you can take yourself to another your own mind...without going to a Disney Park or anywhere else! There was a television ad twenty or thirty years ago that I remember vividly. In the ad, a woman who was totally overwhelmed by the stress of her life really needed to get away from it all. When she got home she got o

Pain Threshold and Pain Tolerance

Pain Threshold and Pain Tolerance Some of the things presented on this blog refer to the terms pain threshold and pain tolerance . After thinking about it for some time,  I came to realize that some of my readers would have no idea what I am talking about!  If you didn't know any better you might even think that they were just two different ways to say the same thing. So, today, I am going to clear that up for you. Pain threshold refers to the "least experience of pain that that a person can recognize." Of course, this varies from person to person.  Depression affects a person's pain threshold in the sense the pain threshold is reached earlier in a person with depression than in someone who does not have depression.   You might visualize the pain threshold much like crossing the threshold at the entrance of a house or other structure.  As you approach the doorway, you are still outside ( outside the realm of pain ); once you step across t

Today's Pearl of Wisdom


Part 3: What are the BENEFITS of Non Drug Pain Managment Ideas?

Many of the chronic pain conditions people face are chronic because, while they can be treated, there is no cure.  At the time of diagnosis, no one really knows how long they are going to be fighting the battle against the condition at hand. Thinking that you might be in this situation for the long haul changes perspective and approach to finding a solution. Over the years that I have been in pharmacy practice, the treatment approach to many health conditions has shifted dramatically.  Rheumatoid arthritis is a good example.  In the earliest days of professional life, the NSAID drugs were the latest and greatest, and steroids were commonly used. Some people were receiving gold injections at doctor's offices. Nowadays, the standard of treatment is vastly different; many patients benefit from monoclonal antibody therapies via hospital infusion and self care strategies. Where am I going with this?  When you have a chronic pain condition, there is much uncertainty. Medical treatme

Part 2: What are the BENEFITS of Non Drug Pain Managment Ideas?

To a large extent, non drug pain management interventions are really about adopting a healthier lifestyle. Some examples- Smoking Cessation Using smoking as a way to cope with chronic pain can actually make the pain worse!  Weight Loss  A healthy body weight reduces stress on the joints and spine. The goal is to achieve a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) . Exercise Exercising within the limits of one's condition promotes weight loss, cardiovascular health, preserves joint function, and raises endorphin levels,promoting an overall sense well being.  It's all good. Alcohol Moderation While alcohol may help a person to forget their troubles for a time, it actually has no analgesic properties.  Chronic use of alcohol can damage the liver, which is can effect the metabolism of medications and body toxins. Practicing Behaviors that Promote a Good Night's Sleep  A good night's sleep go a long way in improving everyone's day to day function.  Sleep is res

Aches and Gains: Dr. Paul Christo on "Chronic Pain In America"

Dr. Paul Christo, leading pain expert from The John Hopkins Hospital and host of the radio show Aches and Gains, appears on The Balancing Act to talk about the epidemic of chronic pain in America, and where pain sufferers can go for relief.

Part 1: What are the BENEFITS of Non Drug Pain Managment Ideas?

I have decided to devote a few posts to my thoughts about why non-drug pain management ideas are important.  Up until the present, I have focused on over 60 different ideas ( see recap #1 and recap #2 for a quick overview) . Not every intervention is appropriate for every situation-for example, inversion tables are primarily used for people with back problems, but would probably not be of much use for someone with fibromyalgia. In any event, for this first post I would like to point out that medications have a role in the treatment of chronic pain, but there ARE limitations.  Some thoughts:  Dosage ranges need to be observed to reduce the risk of side effects/toxicity/drug interactions.  The more medications a person takes, and the higher the dosages they take, the more likely they are to encounter problems at some point. Of particular danger is the use of opioid medications because of the risks associated with the nature of the drug: addiction, dependency, and tolerance.  Opioid

Non Drug Pain Management Ideas: Hydrotherapy

Nowadays many of us have access to a whirlpool bath or hot tub..maybe at the gym or YMCA, swim club, or even at home.  Using water in this way, for therapeutic purposes has existed for many years.  While it may not be a long term solution to the problem of chronic pain,  the combination of warm water and massaging effect of body jets can feel very soothing to achy joints.  There is a mental effect as well; enjoying the sensation can give a brief respite to mental tensions and anxieties, even if only for a few moments!  Muscles  relax ; circulation is increased and the body's immune system can be strengthened by way of hydrotherapy.  The heat of the water can induce sweating, which can help to detoxify our bodies of unwanted impurities.  What's not to like?  :) Sources:

The Spoon Theory written by Christine Miserandino

Have you ever heard the term"spoonie?" I have seen it in a lot of blog posts and it led me to the creation of this post.  First and foremost, I looked in the Urban Dictionary, because it just seemed like that kind of word.  Here is what I found: Spoonie A person living with chronic illness, that identifies with Christine Miserandino's Spoon Theory. Spoonies are people that live with chronic illness; theoretically measuring personal daily abilities much as one would measure the proper amount of spoons needed for an event or occasion... sometimes having an abundance, other times coming up short. by SansNom75 October 12, 2009  This led me on a search for "The Spoon Theory." I have attached a link below the picture if you want to read it.  I am not really one to label people. In this case, the term spoonie came from one of its own, and many chronic pain sufferers seem to use it willingly in their conversations amongst themselves.  I

Non Drug Pain Management Ideas: Emotional Support

Dealing with chronic pain over weeks, months and perhaps years can take its toll on an individual.  There are good days and bad, just like anything else, but as time goes on, the chronic pain problem slowly becomes a part of who that person is as a whole.  It is important to understand this if you have a relative, co-worker, or friend who suffers from chronic pain. For the most part, most patients with chronic pain really do want to feel better.  They have been from one doctor to another, have tried numerous prescription remedies and lifestyle changes, surgery,physical therapy, etc. with varying results.  Some people find a good "cocktail of remedies" and function pretty well; others may be on the lookout for a suitable path. No matter where these folks fall on the spectrum, the one thing that is always of benefit is emotional support.  Living in pain is hard on the mental self as well as they physical self; knowing how to be supportive is just as important as any medica

Non Drug Pain Management Ideas: If The Shoe Fits, Wear It!

A pair of shoes in today's world can serve a variety of purposes--dress shoes, running shoes, work boots...but they are not all constructed with pain management in mind.  Wearing the wrong shoes for the wrong purpose can lead to all kinds of problems--foot pain, back pain,and so on.  So with that in mind, I decided to do a little bit of research on how to get shoes that fit well, and spare yourself unnecessary foot and back pain! 1) The size of a person's foot changes with age, so measuring your feet every time you shop for shoes is a great idea.  Over the course of a day, feet become a bit larger. Therefore, shoe shopping later in the day will give you best fit. 2) Most people's feet are not exactly the same size.  Try on both shoes of a pair before buying them. 3) Select a shoe that is shaped in a similar way to your foot's shape. 4) The size on the shoe box is not that relevant.  What really matters is how the shoe feels on your foot. 5) Don't buy