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By the numbers: Some facts about chronic pain

Here are some random facts about Chronic Pain in America.  Interesting?  Well, I think so! More Americans suffer from chronic pain than many other chronic illnesses?  It is estimated that about 100 million citizens are afflicted by chronic pain.  Compare that to 25.8 million Americans who have diabetes, 16.3 million with heart disease, 7 million stroke victims, and 11.9 who have cancer!  The cost of health care related to chronic pain, including medical costs and lost wages is somewhere between $560 and $635 billions dollars per year (expressed in 2010 dollars). This is approximately $2000 per person including all persons in the US. Lifestyle adjustments that are made to deal with chronic pain include taking disability leave from work, change of career, obtaining assistance with activities of daily living, and moving to a home that is easier to maintain. Overall, workers who were surveyed in one study lost an average of 4.6 work hours per week due to a pain condition. Ap

Home remedies for rheumatoid arthritis

Do you have rheumatoid arthritis?  Here are some ideas for "home remedies".. Keep in mind that this form of arthritis is a systemic disease and should be under a doctor's care. But home remedies can offer some help in living with this uncomfortable, crippling condition! Garlic Garlic has some very potent anti-inflammatory properties.  Some say you should consume one or two raw cloves of garlic daily, but there are garlic capsules available if this doesn't seem appealing to you. Exercise This remedy has many benefits--it can boost mood, maintain or increase range of motion, and can build strength and/or increase endurance!  For most benefit, work with a personal trainer or physical therapist to create a personalized program of exercise. Epsom Salts Add 2 cups of Epsom salts to a warm bath; soak for about one half hour a few times each week to help reduce pain, inflammation, and stiffness. Massage It wou

Stimwave Freedom, World's Smallest Neurostimulator, FDA Cleared for Back, Leg Pain (VIDEO)

There's a new player in town for those who suffer from back or leg pain. It's a spinal cord stimulator that's so small it can fit on a fingertip!  Most of these devices are about the size of a deck of cards due to the fact that the traditional devices hold a battery within.  The Stimwave , on the other hand is an all in one device that is wireless.  Traditional devices in this category require surgical implant; the Stimwave can be injected via conventional needle! Here is a short video about the device: For more information about the product, you can visit the corporate web page by clicking here. Sources: YouTube;;

Vulvodynia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

The term vulvodynia refers to chronic pain in the external female genitalia with no apparent cause. It is estimated that somewhere between 200,000 and 6 million women are affected.  It seems that white females, African American, and Hispanic women are affected equally.  A woman of any age from the teen years upward can be affected. Researchers are looking at several possible causes of this "private" condition but they have not come up with a concrete answer just yet. Sexually transmitted diseases do not seem to predispose females to this condition.  Other causes that are being explored include genetic factors, nerve injury/irritation, hormonal changes, frequency of antibiotic use, and history of sexual abuse. A woman with vulvodynia may experience one or many symptoms, including burning, aching, soreness or itching.  The problem may occur frequently, occasionally, or rarely.  Sometimes certain situations may bring on the symptoms--exercise, tampon insertion, or intercou

Botox: Not for cosmetic use only!

Botox --which is the trade name for botulinum toxin--has been in the US pharmaceutical marketplace for several years now.  Most of us know it as a desirable in the world of cosmetic medicine; used widely by many stars of stage and screen, and other celebrities as well--to rid the appearance of facial wrinkles.  The effect of a treatment can last for several months, making it the ultimate cosmetic accessory. In nature, this toxin is produced by the bacteria species Clostridum.   The commercial version of the toxin is produced in laboratories for medical use. Cartoon representation of Botulinum Toxin Botox has found clinical applications outside of the cosmetic realm as well, For example,  when I was working hospital pharmacy I remember the interventional radiologist using it to treat patients who had a condition causing GI motility issues, known as gastroparesis.  It can also be used to treat patients who have problems with excessive sweating and a number of neurologi

Everyday things that can cause you pain!

Not long ago, I posted some surprising causes of chronic pain.  These were things you might not think as the root cause of an ache or pain that just won't go away no matter what you try. Today I have a different take on that theme.  Today I am going to talk about a few more of these everyday things that might be the source of a pain problem for some of you.  It's interesting--we don't always think about the things that are right in front of us, but sometimes that's exactly what we need to think about!  So, without further ado... ~ An old mattress can be the source of neck or back pain.  In addition, mattresses that are too hard or too soft can be problematic.  The solution here is to replace an old mattress with one that provides proper support.  Another idea is to sleep on your side or back.  Placing a pillow under the knees can also offer relief. ~A purse or shoulder bag can cause misalignment of the spine and guess what else? Pain of course. Ideally a purse s

Valedo: A wearable treatment device for back pain

Here's a new idea for those of you who suffer from back pain--meet Valedo!  This product is an electronic device which has been FDA approved.  The device is manufactured by Hocoma, who also manufactures products for people who are rehabilitating from other conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and stroke. I never heard of this device... until I read a post on an independent tech news website.  The author of the post, Katherine Boehret, suffers from back pain and and decided to give this product a try. In her report, she says that the device basically consists of two wireless sensors that are attached to the lower back and chest with special stickers that come with the product.  These sensors are to be worn while playing a specially designed video game on Android or iOs devices (which is connected to the sensors via blue tooth). The game actually tricks the user into exercise movements that help to strengthen the muscles in the back!  The developer says that the user will