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Pain Management For Musicians

Americans are very interested in professional sports.  We love our Great American Pastime - Baseball, and NFL Football and of course, NHL Hockey. We generally like our college and high school sports as well.  An when an athlete is injured during play, it's natural to send them to a sports medicine practice for treatment. We like our music as well.  And musicians are prone to injuries of many sorts, depending on which instrument is being played, and most uniquely, the human voice. I'm not a gambler but I'd bet most of us would not think about going to someone who specializes in injuries related to musical performance!  This is an emerging field; there are as of now only a few medical practices dedicated to this area. But there are many ways that musicians can prevent or manage chronic pain using devices or techniques particular to their specialty. Here are some examples: Guitar players ... My husband is a guitar player.  He learned of a device known as a "

Medications: When more is NOT Merrier!

I believe in living simply.  And when it comes to medications, it appears that this is a good philosophy. Apparently, the folks at agree with me. This agency is an advocate for consumers--it provides informations about drugs, devices and the pros and cons of using these things. Getting back to why they agree with me (or vice versa): When a person takes a medication, it is important for them to know as much about it as possible What is the name of this medication? What is this medication used for? What are the directions for use? What are the possible side effects of this medication? and lastly, What are the potential drug interactions of this medication? This last point may not seem any different than the others at first glance, but it is in fact, a very important point.  Drug interactions can occur in several different ways, so let's take a look at some possibilities. Drugs can interact with other drugs. Most pharmacies will run a drug interaction

Safe Disposal Of Unused Medications

Do you have medications that you are no longer using in your medicine cabinet?  It might be a good idea to have a look. No one wants a young child or potential addict to have access to these things! My suggestion to you is twofold: If the medications are still in date , consider donating them to a free clinic.  It's always a nice "pay it forward" for someone who can't afford a medication but could really make use of it. If the medication you have is outdated , the FDA has suggestions for you on how to get rid of it. Here is their advice on medication disposal: Source:FDA

Tips for Using Medication Safely

Most everyone will find the need to take some kind of medication some time in their lives. And whether that medication is a pain medication or not, there are some general rules that apply for the safe use of all medications. While this list is not all inclusive, here are some safety tips that apply to all. image source: wikimedia Store medications as per package directions. Some medications can be keep at room temperature, while others need to be refrigerated or perhaps frozen.  Every prescription or over-the-counter drug comes with information as to ideal storage temperature.  If you are unsure about a specific medication, ask your pharmacist. Keep all medications out of the reach of children. Take medications as per package directions.  Do not exceed recommended dosages. Do not share prescription medications with other individuals.  Medications should always be used only by the person it is prescribed to. Read package information or patient education leaflet and tal

Physical Therapy: First Line Therapy For Non Cancer Pain Management

No one should have to live their life in pain. That's a given.  But no one should lose their life to "Pain Killers", such as the opioids. Using these medications has landed us all in a tough spot.  Scores of people have died from opioid addiction, still more have moved beyond opioids to heroin. Heroin deaths have quadrupled in number in the last decade or so. One of the safest approaches to pain management is physical therapy.  While chronic pain patients will likely need to employ multiple approaches of pain management, physical therapy is always a safe and effective pain management tool.  The American Physical Therapy Association has recently launched a campaign to promote this idea. Known as " #Choose PT ", its aim is to make people aware of the safety and effectiveness of this form of treatment. In 2008, a study that followed 20,000 people over a period of 11 years found that people who exercised experienced less pain than those who did not exerci

Australian Dream: Wonder Drug or Waste of Money?

Have you ever considered trying "Australian Dream?" I have seen ad after ad for this product time and time again.  So I started to wonder about this product, and whether or not it really works. The first thing I did was to take a look at the " Australian Dream " website.  According to the site, the active ingredient in the product is a substance called histamine dihydrochloride .  I searched for this drug on some drug reference sites, and found that it is FDA approved as a topical analgesic, for temporary relief of minor aches and pains, arthritis, sprains, and strains. There was not too much information about side effects except that a rash could occur, in which case the product should be discontinued. So, for the most part it's pretty safe...but does it really work?  To answer that question, I decided to check out some reviews of the product--both by consumers and professionals. On the professional front, I saw one physician review on a chronic pain

Avoiding NSAIDs: A Common Sense Strategy For Prevention of Heart Failure

I remember working in retail pharmacy in the 1980s and 1990s when NSAIDs were all the rage. This class of drugs was one of the most commonly prescribed.  As the years went on, we all became aware of the problems associated with this class of drugs.  The first problem that became obvious was that patients who used these drugs on a regular basis were developing gastric ulcers and GI bleeding. For that reason, it was advised that these medications be taken with food.  One company even developed an NSAID product that contained an additional drug that was purported to protect the lining of the GI tract from injury. After this era, a new sub-class of these drugs--known as "COX-2" inhibitors came onto the US marketplace. This class of drugs possesses all the benefits of the original NSAID drugs--but did not have the GI side effects of the original NSAID drugs.  Three COX-2 Inhibitors (Bextra®, Vioxx®, and Celebrex®) were launched in the US market in the late 1990s-early 2000

Migraine Risk Increased When Stress Decreased...?

I have been a migraine headache sufferer for most of my adult life.  It always seemed like when I had a day off of work, or a day where I could simply relax, I could not really do so because that's when I was most apt to have a migraine.  Now if that doesn't stink to high heaven, I don't know what does... An article from March of 2014 has recently helped me to understand why this has been the case.  A study conducted at Yeshiva University concluded that persistent stress followed by relaxation is actually a trigger for migraine headache. The study authors came to this conclusion after examining headache diaries of migraine patients. According to study authors, this finding emphasizes the importance of stress reduction and healthy lifestyle habits for migraine sufferers. In the US there are reported to be 37 million migraine sufferers,  of which almost 5 million experience attacks at least once monthly.  More women are affected than men, and the average age of these

Endomorphins: An Emerging Pain Management Strategy

New research into a group of compounds known as endomorphins may offer hope to chronic pain patients of the future.  These compounds are based on endorphins, which are the human body's naturally occurring pain relievers.  Researchers say that these compounds appear to be superior to morphine in terms of analgesia, and have fewer side effects as well.  The other big advantage to these compounds is that there appears to be no risk of addiction, respiratory depression, constipation, and some of the other problems that develop with the use of opioids.  This would be a most wonderful development in the world of pain management! Endorphin molecule In the meantime, one of the best ways to help your body deal with chronic pain is to practice activities that help to increase natural endorphin levels.  According to Reader's Digest , here are eight ways to reach this goal: The scent of vanilla and lavender are said to increase endorphin levels.  Try adding some vanill

New Pain Management Device Mimics Natural Response To Pain

Spinal cord stimulators (SCS) have been a part of the pain management marketplace for a very long time. These devices are all basically the same; they are electrodes, surgically implanted in the epidural space of the spine.  These electrodes are attached to an impulse generator which is implanted in the abdomen or gluteus.  The other key piece of the system is a remote control which is used to modify the the electrical signals being transmitted to the spinal cord via the electrodes.  These electrical signals become "white noise" to the nervous system in an effort to "scramble" the pain signals, making pain more bearable for the patient.. The goal here is to maximize the patient's comfort while minimizing dependency on pain medication. These devices are most commonly used for patients with failed back surgeries, who really have no alternative but to find ways to cope with chronic pain. Electrode Placement Example--Spinal Cord Stimulator Up until rece

Chronic Pain Management: The Three Legged Stool Approach

Today I am sharing an article about one multi-modal approach to chronic pain that makes a lot of sense to me... I don't want to elaborate too much because I think it's worth it for you to read for yourself.  All I can say in advance is that this article makes me think of a three-legged stool.  If you only rely on one leg of the stool, it's certainly not going to be very useful. So without further ado, here is a link to the article I am speaking of.  Read and contemplate...comments are appreciated! Sources:; wikimedia

Can Opioids Suppress The Immune System?

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a progressive, painful crippling disease. It's unfortunately a common condition, and RA patients comprise a large segment of the chronic pain population. Fortunately, for the most part, the current standards of treatment for this condition do NOT include the use of opioids. A recent study published in Arthritis & Rheumatology examined chronic opioid usage in almost 14,000 RA patients over a fourteen year period.  Surprisingly, when the patients in the study were using chronic opioids, they had a significant increase in rate of infection.  The study authors found a twofold risk of infection in opioid vs. non-opioid populations. Why is this so?  In vitro studies have shown that certain opioids--morphine, methadone, and fentanyl--have immune suppressive properties. This can be attributed to inhibition of T-cell receptor signaling, reductions in natural killer cell activity, and depletion of lymphocytes, according to said studies. The autho

The Role of Genetics in Pain Mangement

Pain management is a complicated field.  For one thing, there is an objective goal--that is to say, to determine what is causing pain in the first place, and what to do about it. But we also have to consider subjective aspect of pain management.  One of the tenets of pain management is this: If a person says they are in pain, we cannot deny that the pain exists.  But sometimes it's hard to determine why that person is experiencing this discomfort, or why it seems to be as severe as they claim. In recent years the genetic aspect of pain management is under closer study.  One example of this is a group from Touro College of Pharmacy in New York City.  Dr. Priyank Kumar and his associates are looking at a specific human gene--namely, 118G. They are finding that variations in this particular gene help to predict a patient's response to opioids, and also the risk of respiratory depression, opioid misuse and even addiction. Genetic testing of this sort may become commonpl

Need Motivation To Exercise? An Exercise Buddy Can Help!

If you are someone who hates to exercise, it can be really difficult to get out there and "just do it." Knowing that exercise will benefit you as a chronic pain patient is often not enough, especially when you are just starting out.  You might find it helpful to find an exercise buddy--especially someone like yourself, who is just starting to exercise, who knows the benefits will pay off...but just getting out there and doing it is a huge battle. Having a friend along for the journey can help you to know that you are not alone in your situation. Most of us look forward to meeting up with a friend and catching up over a cup of why not do your catching up over exercise?  Just knowing that you're meeting up with a friend might be all the motivation you need to get those sneakers on and get moving. An exercise buddy can look at you a way you can't look at yourself--they can help you (and you can help them) to assure that your exercise technique is co

Exercise and Chronic Pain

It has been said that most people CAN exercise. That includes people with chronic pain. I think they key here is to choose types of exercise that you personally enjoy AND are within the scope of your physical limitations.  For instance if you have a problem with your knees maybe you shouldn't be doing exercise that involve impact--so instead of jumping rope or running, you consider walking or swimming... It's probably a good idea to talk to your health care providers about which exercises are good fits for your own personal situation, especially if you are just starting out.  Prevention Magazine ran an article several years ago about this topic.  They were focusing on exercises best suited for fibromyalgia in their writings, but I think they are a good place for anyone to start.  So, without further ado here are some suggestions: 1) Walking or biking: pretty much anyone can do one of these. But, just like everything else there are exceptions. 2) Yoga: There are many

Blue Emu: What's All The Hype?

It seems like every time I turn on the television I see at least one ad for Blue Emu Products. That prompted me to ask the question: What's all the hype? That brings us to the topic of today's post.  To give a little background you must first consider the active ingredient in this product line, which is emu oil.  According to WebMD, emu oil is an extract that is derived from the fat of a flightless ostrich type bird known as an emu bird. This extract has been used for a multitude of purposes--taken orally, it supposedly can reduce cholesterol levels, promote weight loss; it has been used in cough syrups as well. Veterinarians use emu oil to reduce swelling of animal joints, and for cracking or peeling of paws, and other dermatological issues such as "hot spots" or flea bites.  Massage therapists sometimes use emu oil in their practices. Emu oil can be applied to the nostrils as a treatment for cold or flu. With respect to chronic pain, emu oil can b

Arachnoiditis: A Painful But Rare Disorder

Thankfully, arachnoiditis is a rare disorder...I say that because it is a source of chronic pain for those diagnosed, and it's also a difficult disorder to treat.  Let me begin by explaining that arachnoiditis is a condition in which the arachnoid membrane (which protects the nerves of the spinal cord) becomes inflamed because of infection, injury, chemical exposure, etc.  As a result, there is compression of the affected area of the spinal cord. Scar tissue can form, and this entire process can impair the nervous system transmissions that pass through the spinal column. Any number of symptoms can develop, including numbness, burning, stinging, cramps, or twitching.  The resulting nerve damage can affect body functions such as urination, defecation, and sexual functions.  Paralysis of the lower limbs may also be a result of arachnoiditis. Cross section showing the location of the arachnoid matter  of the spine The course of this condition is not predictable, and treatme

New Non-Pharmaceutical Technique Shows Promise In Controlling Post-Operative Pain

The opioid crisis came about largely because of routine use of opioids for chronic pain conditions. Opioids are used to control post operative (acute) pain as well; and even though short term use of these drugs generally does not lead to addiction, more and more advances are being made to reduce or eliminate their usage save for very rare circumstances. Here are a couple of examples-- 1) There is a product line known as On-Q ® can click the link to see specifics about this if you wish.  These products are drug delivery systems that can be used in some types of surgery, such as knee replacements to reduce or eliminate the need for opioids. On-Q® devices can be filled with a local anesthetic. The device has tubing with a catheter like tip that is placed in the operative site, allowing the anesthetic to be delivered directly to the affected area via the On-Q® pump.  These have been around for several years, and the results are dramatic! 2) A new technique devised by Dr.

Drug Free Options For Managing Chronic Pain

Today I wanted to share with you a recent ABC News report about non-drug options for chronic pain. According to the report, research conducted by the Mayo Clinic is affirming that these alternatives to opioids really do work!  I don't know about you but I find the Mayo Clinic to be one of the most reputable medical institutions here in the US. So, without further ado, here is a  link  to the video!   Sources:

The Knee Bone's Connected To The Leg Bone....

Two recent studies have brought a not-so-novel concept into the limelight-the concept being that people who present with knee pain often develop pain in other parts of their bodies.  These studies, known as the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study ( MOST ) and the Osteoarthritis Initiative ( OAI ), were assessed by a Clinical Epidemiology Team as Boston University School of Medicine in an effort to find preventive strategies to combat this trend. The authors suggest that knee pain may cause individuals to alter their gait in an effort to compensate for their discomfort. In doing so, the alignment of other body joints is altered, and this may be the cause of secondary joint pain, especially hips and ankles. The authors go on to say that the pain in these secondary sites is not necessarily osteoarthritis--perhaps bursitis or some other injury. Osteoarthritis is a result of wear and tear in the joints.  We may not be able to completely eliminate osteoarthritis from occurring, but