When looking for resources to write this section of my blog, I came across an article from
Pain.com that I will share below. I could not express my own thoughts on this topic any better than they do--but if you are in a hurry, here are the key points from my perspective:
1) A well balanced diet has positive effects on overall health, and inasmuch as that affects
mood, weight control, etc. it affects the impact of pain on daily life. Conversely, a
diet that is lacking in nutritional needs is akin to running a car engine on bad gasoline--
it simply does not run efficiently/well.
2) A dietician is a good person to consult if you have no idea how to improve dietary habits.
3) Some foods may be more beneficial at helping lower pain levels if we but include them
in our diets.
As promised, here is the article from Pain.com. You can click on the image to go to the actual article.
Pain.com that I will share below. I could not express my own thoughts on this topic any better than they do--but if you are in a hurry, here are the key points from my perspective:
1) A well balanced diet has positive effects on overall health, and inasmuch as that affects
mood, weight control, etc. it affects the impact of pain on daily life. Conversely, a
diet that is lacking in nutritional needs is akin to running a car engine on bad gasoline--
it simply does not run efficiently/well.
2) A dietician is a good person to consult if you have no idea how to improve dietary habits.
3) Some foods may be more beneficial at helping lower pain levels if we but include them
in our diets.
As promised, here is the article from Pain.com. You can click on the image to go to the actual article.
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