Relief from chronic pain can also be accomplished using a technique that come to us from ancient Chinese medicine. These techniques seek to restore balance to the life force of the individual (Qi).
The practice of acupuncture began in China nearly 2500 years ago. The acupuncture practitioner seeks to stimulate certain points on the body to restore "Qi" (pronunced chee) using small needles in an effort to re-establish this harmony.
Modern practice of acupuncture has evolved to include the practice of acupressure, in which the practitioner uses fingers to apply pressure to these key points in place of needles. Additionally, some practitioners use needles that supply low frequency electrical current, known as electroacupuncture.
There have been studies reveal that these practices have proven to be beneficial in some patients. It is always best to do further research if you are interested in these practices, and discuss your situation with your health care team before proceeding.
References: Manual 2010: McGraw Hill Publishing
Kevin Zacharoff MD; Lynette Menefee Pujol Ph. D.; Evelyn Corsini MSW
Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Pain 2006 Inflexxion, Inc.
Jaime H. Von Roenn; Judith A. Paice; Michael E. Preodor
The practice of acupuncture began in China nearly 2500 years ago. The acupuncture practitioner seeks to stimulate certain points on the body to restore "Qi" (pronunced chee) using small needles in an effort to re-establish this harmony.
Modern practice of acupuncture has evolved to include the practice of acupressure, in which the practitioner uses fingers to apply pressure to these key points in place of needles. Additionally, some practitioners use needles that supply low frequency electrical current, known as electroacupuncture.
There have been studies reveal that these practices have proven to be beneficial in some patients. It is always best to do further research if you are interested in these practices, and discuss your situation with your health care team before proceeding.
References: Manual 2010: McGraw Hill Publishing
Kevin Zacharoff MD; Lynette Menefee Pujol Ph. D.; Evelyn Corsini MSW
Current Diagnosis & Treatment: Pain 2006 Inflexxion, Inc.
Jaime H. Von Roenn; Judith A. Paice; Michael E. Preodor
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