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Foods and Fibromyalgia: Know your enemies!

Usually the number 7 is a lucky number. Maybe in this case it's a lucky number too, because if you know about these seven foods it just might help you to have better control over fibromyalgia!  I had heard about one of them earlier on, then when I was researching this post I discovered this list. So, without further ado, here is the taboo list--complete with rationale.

1) Soy
Many people with fibromyalgia develop "leaky gut syndrome"--a mysterious condition that involves gas, bloating, cramps, food sensitivites, and bodily aches and pains.  Some think soy is healthy--and while some things about soy are healthy, in this case it's best left avoided.  The big problem is that soy is an ingredient in so many processed foods--that you must be vigilant.
Your best defense is to read labels!

2) Gluten
Gluten free diets have become all the rage in recent years; while many people can eat foods that contain gluten, some folks have a definite intolerance to them.  This is because of an immune reaction that develops from exposure to glutens. The most severe case of gluten intolerance is known as sprue or celiac disease.  The good news is, that more and more gluten free foods are available on the market for those who wish to exclude it from their diet.

3) Sugar, fructose, and simple carbohydrates
You might never guess why sweets should be avoided..but here it is.
Excessive sweet content in the diet contributes to the culture of organisms that live in our GI tract--known as the normal flora. Folks who eat more sugar, fructose and other simple carbohydrates have more yeast in their flora than others; there is a test to determine if this is the case.  Yeast can cause an inflammatory reaction in the gut--and modern medicine says that inflammation in the gut also means inflammation in the brain. In addition to the constipation, diarrhea,
and possible malabsorption of nutrients, taxation of brain function is a distinct possibility.

4) Aspartame (NutraSweet ®)
While many of us, diagnosed with diabetes or using artificial sweeteners, think they are safe for advised...some are safe, some are not.  There have been reports of a fibromyalgia syndrome that can develop from aspartame usage. Fortunately it seems that the syndrome resolves when aspartame is removed from the diet. Other health hazards, such as nervous system overdrive, have been reported from aspartame use. Aspartame is found in many, many food products.  Here again, it really pays off to read the label.

5) MSG
Many of us know about "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome"...a reaction to foods containing MSG that causes the afflicted to flush and sweat. This reaction is caused by the effect of glutamates on the brain and nervous system.  Chinese food is one source of MSG, but there are many commercial foods on the market...Doritos, for example...that contain MSG.  Fibromyalgia patients also need to be aware that MSG is monosodium glutamate...glutamates can affect the brain and nervous system.  Check labels when buying food at the market, and the next time you visit the Chinese restaurant, tell them to hold the MSG when you order!

6) Caffeine
There's really not many pleasures that rival a good cup of coffee. That being said, it's not such a good idea for people with fibromyalgia...not such a good idea.  Caffeine is a stimulant, and may cause too much excitability of the nervous system.  Opt for caffeine-free coffee and other caffeine-free products. You're in this for the long haul, and your body will thank you for your efforts!

7) Dairy
Casein is a major protein in dairy products; for those with leaky gut syndrome is can be a problem.  The only dairy product that does not contain casein is butter!
It is recommended that dairy products be avoided for this reason. It's probably more critical for those with known dairy allergies or GI issues such as leaky gut syndrome to be the most cognizant followers of this restriction.

Sources:;wikimedia; nih;;


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